Winter Academy

Since the 2015/16 season, we have sucessfully integrated an academic tutoring program into our programs at Leogang which allows athletes to train and compete in Austria while studying. The tutoring program is currently scheduled for the period from middle of January until the end of March. We are fortunate to have access to a classroom at the secondary school at Leogang.

The company AUSTRALIAN ATHLETE TUTORING (AAT) is an educational program founded in 2011 by Tracey and Peter Hand. Tracey and Peter are passionate and highly qualified teachers who understand that every child has an innate capacity to learn and that it is the experiences and guidance provided by parents and educators that have the greatest influence on their educational outcomes.

The team at Australian Athlete Tutoring is committed to working with students, parents and schools to maximise the academic development of young people.

AAT have developed a range of flexible learning options to support and tutor children who take time off school to pursue their career. Staff also liaise with each athlete’s school, their teachers and develop individualised learning programs to ensure they are not academically compromised whilst they are away from school. AAT can support and assist students to reach their academic potential whilst they pursue their passion for ski racing or mountainbiking.

A highly qualified educator will be living at the HPC Athlete House and will teach the athletes in a designated classroom at the local secondary school. Further, the tutor will also fulfill a chaperon role at the HPC Athlete House & will communicate with parents via weekly reports.

AAT - ‘We look after the academics while you excel in your sport’.

Für Rennläufer. Dein All-in-One-Renntrainingslager ...
Für Rennläufer. Dein All-in-One-Renntrainingslager ...
Für Trainer. Wir organisieren alles für Dich ...
Für Trainer. Wir organisieren alles für Dich ...
Für Skifahrer. Wenn Du der Skischule entwachsen bist ...
Für Skifahrer. Wenn Du der Skischule entwachsen bist ...
Über uns

Wir heißen Dich herzlich willkommen im neuen High Performance Centre Racing Austria (HPC).

Diese neue Anlage ist die Vision von Christoph Maier - einem engagierten und zertifizierten Trainer im alpinen Skirennlauf mit über 15 Jahren Erfahrung. Christoph, geboren und aufgewachsen in der wunderschönen Alpenregion von Saalfelden-Leogang,  als Kind selbst ein lokaler Skirennläufer, hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, die Grenzen des Renntrainings über mehrere Disziplinen hinweg zu verschieben.


HPC RACING AUSTRIA - Gründer / Manager


HPC Ausbildungsteam - Kinder


HPC Ausbildungsteam - FIS Elite


HPC Ausbildungsteam - Kinder

Markus Steiner

Strength & Conditioning Coach